The life support of YouTuber Andrew Cross was turned off on March 4. He suffered a severe car accident on January 31 in the US.
Andrew Cross, a 36-year-old adventurous YouTuber, had his life support turned off on March 4 after suffering a severe brain injury in an accident in the US on January 31.
Cross was known for his adventure channel on YouTube, “Desert Drifter.” His sister Jenna announced the shutting down of the devices on the CaringBridge website, which is used to update family, friends, and fans about the YouTuber’s health condition.
“Hello friends, Andrew’s spirit is free, surrounded by light and love,” she wrote, saying that her brother’s death was “peaceful and full of love,” with their parents, close friends, and his wife, Evelyn, present in the room at the time.
“Then, in the room, friends and family read scriptures, prayed, and sang during the process of removing the life support and for more than an hour afterward. It was calm and beautiful,” she continued.
“Andrew truly lived life to the fullest, and his story and impact are not over. It was wonderful to get to know him in new ways as we saw photos and stories shared by so many,” Jenna concluded.
Andrew Cross’ family held an online fundraising campaign to cover medical expenses, and by the time of his death, about $480,000 had been raised.
+See more videos from Andrew Cross
Photos: YouTube Desert Drifter. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.